Where Each Astrological Signature Is Likely to Find Its True Love, According to a Tarot Reader


Search the periphery of a party for your future spouse. They are the ones constantly present at the dinner table or pet's bowl. They probably won't wander off from their companion if they arrived with them. That nervous person who leaves the party early is your soul mate. Your outgoing temperament will go well with their reserved demeanor.


Your true love is the one who is striving to reach the pinnacle in their chosen field. Since they seldom take time off, reliable employees are difficult to find. Instead, you may find them working out in the gym first thing in the morning. Find the one with the fancy new cut.


Visit the bookshop or library of your choice. Inquire as to what they are now reading and move from there. Your perfect match is a deep thinker with a calm intensity. But go cautiously should you scare them off.


Don't attempt to get out of jury service the next time you're called. Put on your best clothes and try to win over the jurors. For the next several weeks, you may be sitting next to your soul mate, and ideally you'll both be convinced of the defendant's guilt.


This individual has their heads down and their nose to the grindstone. They hardly ever take the time to glance up from their screens and acknowledge the presence of other people. That's why you'll find your true love at the coffee shop first thing in the morning, when everyone is getting their caffeine fix before a productive day. To break the ice, just inquire about their work.


Virgo, it's going to be tough to meet the one because they rarely get out of the house. However, they do leave when they need to take their dog for a walk. Hang around the dog park long enough and you'll notice them.


Check your DMs. Maybe you've already met your perfect companion. They are the one who still has hope for their potential sweetheart. But choose the genuine one rather than the scary stalker. There are moments when they appear identical.


Go to school. Like taking a woodworking course, where you learn by doing. There, you can meet your perfect match who is also skilled in manual labor. The teacher undoubtedly likes them, but that's not a problem. It only indicates their want to do so.


In most cases, the Death card is just a metaphor. No, I won't advise you to look for love at a cemetery. Instead, the theme of this card is transition. Change also occurs in other contexts. Salon de coiffure. Find someone who looks like they just had a haircut, and give them a ton of praise. (Only resort to the graveyard if everything else fails.)


Your true love is a kind individual who takes pleasure in providing for others and caring for animals. Look for the individual with the largest heart when you volunteer at the local humane society or other charity.


The person who truly completes you is a superior. If you're hunting for your gorgeous priest ala Fleagbag, you're the zodiac most likely to find him. Alternatively, you may be arrested for a small offense and end up falling in love with the police officer who takes you in. Choose for yourself.


You are already in love with your soul partner. They've stuck around for the whole of your existence together. Find them from your existing circle of friends and associates. Your friends-to-lovers arc must now be told.

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