What exactly is your astrological symbol and how does it determine the sort of friend you are? 

The zodiac sign may seem unusual for determining your friend type, but maturity is harder than sharing a lunchbox on the playground. Some personality traits may help you meet like-minded people. To maximize your skills, here's your zodiac sign's buddy type and why people appreciate you:


People look to you to bring the fun back into life when life gets boring. Your passion makes a last-minute road trip or sneaking into a sold-out event fun.


When life becomes tough, your friends turn to you because of your commitment and stability. You're everyone's rock, listening without judgment and letting them experience everything.


As the zodiac's social butterfly, you hop from group to group, spreading laughter. When your friends have you to find the positive in difficult times, life seems less daunting.


As one of the zodiac's most maternal signs, you watch your friends' backs, provide a shoulder, and play mother hen to revenge any wrongdoings.


As a natural leader, you know what's best for everyone, including how to communicate devotion with presents, such as recognizing which LBD your best friend wants but is too frightened to try or when to eject her from the nest so she may experience life.


Aries' huge ambitions are planned by you because of your problem-solving temperament. Virgo, you're the glue that holds the group together—even if someone else gets all the credit—by sending out invites, explaining who will be picked up and where, and making sure the trains run on schedule.


Your passionate nature makes mature friendships as magical as falling in love. The same exhilarating surge of inside jokes, small acts of affection—maybe some surprise treats delivered to their desk throughout the workday—and late-night chats about life's purpose characterizes your first meeting.


Knowing you'll take them to your grave, your friends feel secure confiding in you. You may also sense what your buddies aren't saying and know how to get them to open up.


Your buddies know they're in for a wild ride when they join you on your lifelong journey, Sagittarius. You never know where the night will end when someone is with you, from helping adolescents violate curfew to pushing adults out of their comfort zones.


Consistent and realistic, you invite them in slowly but stay for the long term. It won't matter whether time, distance, or last-minute plans keep you from communicating, your friends will still need you.


You understand the need for personal space, so you don't cause drama in the group chat over every blue-ticked message or cancelled lunch. Friendship is elective. Despite being a low-maintenance buddy, you help your friends—they may just need to discover you first.


Imaginative and empathetic, FBI agents may find world peace with your supernatural insight. As the first to see danger, you know what your pals' cryptic ‘I prefer strolling in the rain because no one can see I'm crying’ postings imply and how many pints of ice cream they require when they insist everything is OK.

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