Tips for eating healthy in social circumstances part 1

It's feasible to eat properly in social circumstances with careful planning and communication. Social techniques to stay on track:

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Plan Ahead: – If you know you'll be attending a social event, plan your meals for the day accordingly. This might involve eating a balanced meal before the event to curb hunger and reduce the temptation to overeat.

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Bring a Healthy Dish: – If appropriate, offer to bring a healthy dish to share. This ensures that there's at least one nutritious option available, and others may appreciate your contribution.

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Communicate Your Goals: – Share your health and wellness goals with friends and family. This can help set expectations and garner support. It's often easier to navigate social situations when those around you are aware of your priorities.

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Practice Portion Control: – Be mindful of portion sizes. You can enjoy a variety of foods without overindulging. Consider using a smaller plate to help control portions visually.

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Make Smart Choices: – Scan the food options available and make conscious choices. Opt for lean proteins, vegetables, and whole grains when possible. Limit your intake of high-calorie, sugary, and processed foods.

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Stay Hydrated: – Drink water throughout the event. Not only does this help with hydration, but it can also contribute to a feeling of fullness, reducing the likelihood of overeating.

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Mindful Eating: – Practice mindful eating by savoring each bite and paying attention to hunger and fullness cues. This can help prevent mindless overeating.

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