How the Saturn direct in Aquarius affects your sign

Attention zodiac fans: Saturn direct in Aquarius begins on November 4 following its retrograde dance since June 17. Saturn, known as a “tough taskmaster,” symbolizes karma and justice. Saturn, often mistaken for its maleficent effects, may be a powerful ally with a minor perspective change.


Aries, Saturn's retrograde ends helping you manifest. You speak creation. Though it seemed like torment, the previous several months have made you gold. You are more conscious of what you want in life, so choose your words and ideas properly and watch your life change.


The previous several months have been tough on your money and self-esteem. After all your reflection and learning, Saturn is now giving you options that will enable you get money and live the life you secretly want.


This year, Gemini, you braved a chilly, dark tunnel and now saw the light. Your life may have undergone a severe karmic cleaning, especially in partnerships. Saturn gives you self-confidence and understanding of your life-creating role.


Learning to flourish is finally happening. For years, you've worked on economics, family, and ancestral patterns. This year may have been a bit more intense. Better, we say. You've found your way, letting go of what you believed was real and following your heart.


With the Midas touch, anything you put your heart into will become gold. If something has been stagnant for 2-3 years, anticipate surprising and imaginative progress. Congratulations on your funds and insight. Look where you're drawn to most to locate your next chance.


Saturn has been helping Virgos learn perspective if they're looking back at their lives and feeling torn. Spiritual abundance and healing have shaped your family, relationships, personal growth, finances, body, and more. Start over, start small, start now, and make it count.


You're getting life-changing, karmically intended blessings from this planetary change, as if you weren't already farsighted. You receive good grades for collaborating and coming up with inventive solutions, as well as getting brownie points for your good deeds.


Your health, relationships, and money will improve dramatically in the coming months. You are finally overcoming your doubts and expecting the best from yourself. Take a break if you've been struggling in a few key relationships. The knots are going to melt, and you'll feel warm, cozy, and sunny shortly.


Your proactive nature can help you overcome health and stress issues, even financial ones. Saturn wants you to prioritize self-care and pace.


Saturn reminds Capricorn that you are changing and that is your hidden weapon as you relive past patterns. Instead of viewing a speed bump as a mountain, you could hop over it and go on. Saturn's only advice is to find joy in the little things that brighten your day.


Aquarius, you should do what you do. Saturn boosts wealth and self-confidence, so be creative and balance work and leisure to enjoy life. Playfulness is another sort of plenty, and the more you practice it, the more you attract pleasant things.


Pisces, the previous several months may have shown you how to channel your pure-heartedness where it feels appropriate rather than spreading it around. Saturn presents you with staying in your lane and actively deciding to adhere to it to attain your life's peak.

Stay tuned for developments.