Guidelines for aligning the style of your house with your own astrological signature 

Over three decades ago, Astro-architecture was discovered as the science of designing a place's horoscope to balance and improve furnishings. Every house has a horoscope. She says a home's vitality depends on its people' names and relationships. She gives ways to reflect each zodiac's characteristics at home to improve personal and professional life.


Red might make Arians aggressive, although it can be employed in the south side at home. To inspire their creativity, the west-facing side should have a bright wall or bold items in sunny yellow. Avoid mirrors and fountains on the east side of the home.


Taureans love food, hence the kitchen is their favorite room. The practical star sign needs practical and easy food preparation options in this space. Venus rules this sign, thus it likes expensive furnishings. Avoid placing beds and seats east and south-west. Taureans flourish in natural, white environments since the moon is in their sign.


This twin sign enjoys efficient, clutter-free homes with plenty of storage since they love diversity and are ambitious. Instead than collecting trinkets in each area, get a high-quality statement piece. Their favorite color is green, yet mirrors balance the space.


Cancerians prefer houses with calming colors and nostalgic items since they are moon and water signs. They prioritize investing for a comfortable future and consider the northeast point of a residence fortunate. A touch of crimson on the east side of the house brings luck. This indication should be calmed by pastel colors.


Traditional residences appeal to Leos, who are possessive about their space and loved ones. They will display vintage books, photos, family artwork, and vacation trinkets to reflect their culture. Leos adore partying and hosting, so yellow and orange with gold accents bring out their hospitality.


While this sign is known for pursuing perfection—which includes greater order and design in their homes—symmetrical furniture and empty walls won't do. Make sure every space has something meaningful or sentimental to avoid feeling incomplete. Violet and lime suit Virgos well. Create a detailed budget before renovating to offer them control.


Libra, the artistic sign, is ruled by Venus. They strive to balance the scales at home by blending proportions and symmetry in design. Consider adding a striking showpiece to the home's entryway or a vibrant red colour to the decor as they like attention.


Scorpions need elaborate habitats. This sign also proudly shows high-quality home furniture and standout pieces. As Mars opposes it, even the slightest defect or distaste of a space might turn this water sign off. A pool or small fountain may soothe this animal, while yellow and orange can calm aggressiveness.


Sagittarians are direct and like simple spaces. They don't enjoy breaching home décor norms, yet all colors work around them. Sunrise and sunset colors inspire them. A fresh bouquet of flowers, a potted plant, or a bowl of fruit are easy décor additions that will bring them closer to nature.


Capricorns have leather sofas, solid-wood chests, grandfather clocks, and finely woven carpets. Saturn impacts their deep blue-black flavor. Decorate with gray and light blue to avoid a gloomy environment. Instead of two reflecting things, place a mirror next to large wooden furniture to absorb energy.


Aquarians adore rooms with flowing furnishings and decor, in honor of their water sign. All house furniture should be lightweight and adaptable to suit the mood. This will keep them calm at all times. Their favorite color is pastel blue, yet futuristic glass and steel work nicely for this sign.


Pisceans want everything they can fit in a home, from a breakfast nook by the dining table to a couch beside a king-sized bed. Changing little decorations and furnishings each season is a simple way to bring variety to the home. This sign daydreams, so linens and silks are soothing.

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