dispelling a myth: Is it true that fat is excreted through perspiration after exercising?

Understanding the mechanics of sweating is necessary for answering the question of whether or not calories are expended during perspiration.

The process of sweating helps the body maintain a comfortable temperature. The human body has the ability to regulate its internal temperature by sweating off excess water and salt when the temperature outside rises.

Although the dispute on calorie burning is ongoing, it is indisputable that sweating results in the loss of water from the body, and excessive sweating can result in dehydration. 

I don't understand why perspiring is automatically linked to a calorie deficit. It might be due to the common belief that increasing physical activity will lead to a reduction in body fat. To most of us, fitness means being physically active and strong enough to complete a rigorous gym routine.

A good workout does not always entail a heavy workout, or one that causes the body to fatigue. The negative effects of exercising too much are real. To ensure full recovery, trainers advocate regular relaxation and a healthy diet.

According to experts, sweating is a physiological response to an increase in body temperature during exercise, serving as a mechanism for cooling down.   Experiencing profuse sweating does not indicate that you have eliminated fat through perspiration. 

Research indicates that a 90-minute hot yoga practice can result in the burning of around 330 calories in women and 460 calories in men.   Although sweating is not the main factor, engaging in vigorous walking alone can have a comparable outcome. 

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