Common reasons for weight loss plateaus part 1

When you're dieting and exercising, a weight loss plateau might be discouraging. Knowing what causes weight loss plateaus can help you make changes. Common weight loss plateau causes:

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Metabolic Adaptation: – Your body may adapt to a lower calorie intake by slowing down your metabolism. As you lose weight, your body may require fewer calories to maintain its current weight, which can make it more challenging to continue losing weight.

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Caloric Intake Creep: – Over time, it's easy for small increases in caloric intake to go unnoticed. This can happen through larger portion sizes, more frequent snacking, or underestimating the calories in certain foods.

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Lack of Dietary Variety: – Eating the same foods repeatedly may lead to nutrient deficiencies and make it harder to stick to a calorie deficit. Aim for a diverse, balanced diet to ensure you're getting a range of nutrients.

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Inconsistent Tracking: – Inaccurate tracking of food intake can contribute to a weight loss plateau. Be meticulous in measuring and recording your food to ensure you have an accurate account of your daily caloric intake.

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Water Retention: – Changes in water balance, especially if you consume more sodium or start a new exercise routine, can cause temporary weight fluctuations that may mask actual fat loss.

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Lack of Sleep: – Inadequate sleep can disrupt hormones that regulate hunger and appetite, potentially leading to overeating and weight loss plateaus.

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Stress Levels: – Chronic stress can elevate cortisol levels, which may influence appetite and contribute to weight gain or make it difficult to lose weight.

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