Astrological necessities for your inner child

Much of our adult lives are implicitly influenced by our childhood feelings, experiences, and acceptance. Overachieving as adults may be the only way we subconsciously felt valued as children. Being rebellious may have made us stand out as kids.


Your inner kid secretly wants connection. In those unexpected eruptions, all it wants is help making sense of things, especially when they go against its wishes. Add soothing music to your routine when you feel lost, confused, or misunderstood to lessen the pain. Do it before you say anything you'll regret.


Rushing annoys your inner child. The method and speed it prefers feels comfortable, grounded, and connected to your deepest wishes. Breathe and remember that slowing down is the medicine to speeding up when you feel rushed.


Your inner child just wants you to realize that your split personas are real. It strives to manage everything around it to believe all is well to support this ambition. Imagine feeling balanced and at ease if you saw the urge to withdraw and socialize as one. So peaceful and magical.


Your inner child is creative and free-spirited, but it wants security. It feels stifling that most people don't grasp this complex but crucial aspect of you. Find equilibrium for yourself because you're here to show others. Instead of waiting in the bylanes, encourage yourself.


Your inner kid is a wild nature sprite always seeking new things, which can fatigue others but excites you. Your inner kid shines when you connect with nature and create beautiful things.


You are adaptable in your ideal world, and your inner child wants this appreciation. High expectations are fine, but do you appreciate your failures? It could revolutionize your life and make you feel like you're living a dream.


Often caught attempting to balance things, your inner child may seek the freedom of creativity, which includes the beauty in imperfection and imbalance. While creating your ideal future, enjoy each moment creatively.


You want to fix everything and everyone because your inner kid needs love and care. You see things clearly and want to help others see them. You don't have to be a martyr to please others. You are enough as you are.


Your inner kid wants to say no when you want to. Doing too much may be a defense technique to feel loved and seen. Find fresh methods to ignite it and let your inner kid play in sunflower fields.


You want acceptance, and your inner child may have learned this by pushing you too hard to please others. What if you took off your blinders and saw that it's just you and some great individuals enjoying a party? No actual race is happening.


You secretly want others to appreciate your perspective, patience, and understanding for Christmas, and your inner child goes all out to provide it in odd ways. Have you tried bargaining with it that you may not be for everyone and that it's good for someone to pass you by without noticing?


Your inner kid wants to create a new universe, while your older self explains a million why it can't. A desolate mood makes you grasp for the first light of hope, just to collapse again. Choosing what feels right and letting the noise pass is a good solution.

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